Our Riding Lessons
We all know that we have to crawl before we can walk, and walk before we can run - our riding lessons are structured in a way which enables this from a riding ability:
Lead rein lessons: for our new starters both able and disabled riders. One of our volunteers or staff will walk at the side of the rider, with another leading the horse or pony. For those who may be less able bodied we would ensure someone is walking both sides of you. Our lesson plan is for you to work towards progressing into our Just off Lead rein lessons, which we will do via our instructors assessment and only when we/you feel ready to progress.
Walk & Trot lesson: This is your progression from the just off lead rein lesson where you will no longer require a leader for your horse/pony and will be working towards being balanced in both walk and your rising trot.
Walk, Trot, 1st Canter lesson: Once again a continuation from the Walk and trot lesson, you will have attained a "better seat" which in turn means you will be more balanced in the saddle and working with your horse or pony.
Walk, Trot, Canter Lesson: This will entail more cantering within your lesson continuing to improve your balanced seat to enable you to progress that bit further into the Walk, Trot, Canter, Jump lesson
Walk, Trot, Canter, Jump lesson: This lesson is the ultimate aim for riders. From this point forward you should be at one with your horse or pony working through the various transitions, be able to sit comfortably in canter, and apply the change of transition to jump a small set of poles/course.
All of the above will require our staff to assess you at various stages during your riding lessons, as we do not expect a rider to move up through the classes unless we are confident they have the ability to do so.
How you can Help LGRCD
We are consistently looking at ways we can raise money - which we so need to do in order for our centre to remain the amazing place it is for all able bodied and disabled riders.
We have causes which you are able to donate to, be it monetary or materialistic.
The following are links which we have setup to help us in our bid to raise funds:
Charity Aid Foundation (CAF): You are able to donate as a one off or on a regular basis to LGRCD. Please click on the CAF link at the bottom of the page if you would like to donate.
Easy Fundraising: Whenever your going to buy something online - click on the Easy Fundraising Link and support us whilst spending. The link for this app is shown above
Amazon wish list: Click on the link above, this will take you to the Amazon website which has a list of items we would like for our horses.