​Leybourne Grange Riding Centre for the Disabled
Licence Number: TM/ANIMAL/011
Leybourne Grange Riding Centre for the disabled is urgently looking for horses to purchase or loan, if you know of someone looking for an excellent home for their horse, please contact us on 01732 872844
Leybourne Grange Riding Centre for the Disabled - Downloadable Word Forms
The forms below will download to your computer as a Microsoft Word Document.
These forms will be required for completion and return/brought with you if you are Riding with LGRCD for the First time
All Riders, volunteers and parents (where applicable) must sign and return/bring to us the completed "Assessment & Statement of understanding".
All Riders registered as Disabled please ensure the "Doctors Form.doc" or "Pre-Doctors form" is completed by & returned to us.
If you are volunteering and are over 18 - you will need to complete and return the "Voluntary form for Over 18.doc"
If you are volunteering and are under 18 - you will need to complete and return the "Voluntary form for Under 18.doc"